Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A Blog Reader Bonus!

I saw “I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change” at the Mill on Saturday – truly a delightful night of theater. The show is a great mix of sketches that run the gamut from silly to serious. Maybe it’s a sign of my advancing age but, even though the slapstick-like skits were funny, the scenes that mixed in slices of reality worked the best for me. The tentative awkwardness of “The Lasagna Incident” and the more brazen awkwardness of the final funeral home scene were my two favorites.

And what a cast! Simply fantastic. Rather than repeat myself, here’s a special preview for you loyal blog readers of the review which will run in Style sometime, probably next week. As the whole review is less than 300 words, this represents more than one-third of the whole thing:

“Can you explore every aspect of male-female interactions in the course of a two-hour stage musical? Not really, but as demonstrated by Swift Creek Mill Theatre’s “I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change,” you can have a rollicking good time trying. Starting with first date jitters and ending with picking up dates at funeral homes, this show uses every stage in the progression of a relationship as a launching point for sketches that are often hilarious, occasionally poignant and always insightful. Thanks to a winning cast of four accomplished stage vets, this is one of those rare shows that you wish would never end.”

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