Wednesday, May 14, 2008


This week's Style has Mary B's full review of "Peter Pan." I believe this review marks the first time I have been mentioned within a theater review. If only my daughter's work running the spotlight had received a nod, it would have been three Timberlines in one review -- yikes!

Also, while pandering on Pan, I recently picked up Urge magazine. I'm a little behind the curve since it's been out for a month or so. But it has a nice little piece on "Pan" and a picture of the unsung marketing wiz, Judi Crenshaw. I'm not quite sure what to make of Urge after one issue. I like the color and the layout and much of the content. Its "we're not Style" statement in the editor's note is a good effort at product differentation but I'm still totally clear on how distinct it is different from other mags. But I am happy that they acknowledge theater in Richmond, something some other local mags barely do.

One final link: check out Richmond Shakespeare's blog for Grant Mudge's well-written review of AART's "Waiting to be Invited." It's always interesting to see what directors look for in other productions. Grant also links to the recent discussion about AART in this space -- thanks for your welcome contributions to the conversation, Grant!

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