Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Day late, Dollar short

Well, dang. I had meant to mention the Bifocals Theater show "Table for Two" this week at the Barksdale. But performances were Monday and tonight. I hope they went well. Just to get a jump on the next production: Bifocals will be doing "The Day Joe Montana Retired" on Nov. 27 & 28. I'll try to be more on the ball about blogging about that one.

Have also been a little frustrated looking into the Broadway possibilities. Got some last row orchestra seats for "A Chorus Line" -- pretty pathetic but what are you going to do. Looked into "Wicked" -- all sold out for the week before Xmas. Oh, that is unless you're willing to pop for the $300 a piece "premium tickets." Excuse me?!?! As if $125/per for "regular" seats isn't enough? It's certainly another reason to be thankful we have so much quality theater right here in town, shows that you can see without taking out a second mortgage...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The price of theater tickets in New York is absolutely ridiculous. Top ticket price for "A Chorus Line" can range as much as $301.25, which is beyond ridiculous. Theater should be a cultural event that EVERY person should be able to afford and enjoy. And frankly, NO show is worth that amount of money. If the shows are that expensive to produce, then production costs need to come down, period. It's all about the bottom line and the bottom dollar, unfortunately, and that is not what our craft and our passion should be about.