Monday, April 02, 2012

Out and About

I only find out about anything long after others know about it. After I’d finished writing my review of “Stupid Kids,” I went out into the Interwebs to find out more about the show and quickly came across the “Out and About” video interview with the cast. I quickly found myself scrolling back through many of the interview host Eric Russell has done with previous show casts, including the recent productions “Next Fall” and “Lord of the Flies.” (You can subscribe to the series on YouTube here.)

Since my dream of a local theater podcast isn’t making itself come true, I found both solace and inspiration in these interviews, each of which was an enlightening introduction to the show. I particularly enjoyed the dynamics between the “Stupid Kids” cast, each member being very clearly a pretty darn smart kid.

As for my review of the show, it should be in this week’s Style (short preview: the 80s and high school are two of my favorite subjects so I think it was highly improbable I would dislike this show. But the RTP production exceeded my expectations). Until that comes out, you can read all of the recent T-D theater coverage, including Ms. Haubenstock’s review of “Kids,” her review of the Mill’s “Church Basement Ladies,” and a preview with some background on the upcoming “Scorched Earth” at Barksdale.

1 comment:

philcrosby said...

Eric Russell has been doing the "Out and Abouts" for RTP and other events in the LGBT community for a few years now. (Check out the one with Madame for a big hoot.) He is quite an able interviewer, and we are very grateful for these wonderful glimpses backstage!