Monday, July 20, 2009

Sad but True

I just had it verified that Stage 1 will be closing it's doors. The press release quotes Chase Kniffen saying, "...current economic realities make it impossible to ensure financial sustainability for the coming year." As soon as a more complete story is posted online, I'll be linking to it.

I'm a little verklempt to say much more on this right now. Perhaps later in the week after the news settles in...


Anonymous said...

Chase Kniffen did a wonderful and courageous thing starting this company, especially at this given time. He, and everyone who was on-board with Stage 1, deserve a lot of credit for their efforts. They produced great-looking shows with superb production values and top-drawer talent. That level (and quality) of effort should and will take form in some positive and rewarding way.

This is sad to know that they are closing their doors, but their commendable efforts will surely deliver good things to them in some other form.

Best wishes to all...

Frank Creasy said...

I think everyone is stunned by this news Dave, and after we closed Summer of '42 to a rousing standing ovation Saturday evening, it sure is a bitter pill to take today. Starting a theatre company is hard enough, and especially so during this severe recession.

Chase Kniffen is a wonderfully bright, talented and energetic young force in Richmond theatre. He's got a wide depth of experience combined with a network of immensely talented folks, many of whom don't get as many showcases for their skills as they deserve (Summer of '42 amply demonstrated that point). I look forward to Chase's next venture, whenever and wherever that may be, and am deeply indebted to him for giving me a chance to be in such a beautifully realized production like Summer of '42. It was a glorious swan song for this company that was just about to really spread its' wings.

Angela said...

Just the thought of someone starting up such an ambitious theater company --let alone one that turned out to be so critically well-received-- inspired me deep within. That's what will stay with me even though Stage 1 closed.

But I agree with anonymous... whatever energy and passion created Stage 1 will surely take another form. I just hope it's here in Richmond.